Our Vision
To provide a community college that encourages and inspires students to reach their individual personal, social and educational potential.
Our Mission
To provide students who are experiencing complex personal and educational barriers, who are at risk of or have disengaged from education, with individual and supported wrap around support, taking vocational and career and life pathways learning approaches.
Our enactment
Djerriwarrh Community College enacts its philosophy by:
- Offering a specialist school with small class sizes and a friendly safe environment.
- Identifying students’ personal and educational barriers to learning to inform:
- individual support plans; and
- individual learning plans.
- Providing wrap around support services including referrals to housing, mental health and AOD services.
- Having student centred learning at the forefront of teaching practice.
- Following the Positive Education model, to assist students to:
- strengthen their relationships
- build positive emotions
- enhance resilience
- promote mindfulness
- Using restorative practice methods to:
- build a sense of community within and around school
- repair harm and hold parties responsible and
- improve the emotional literacy of staff, students and the school community
- Working closely with parents/guardians, family and other stakeholders (for the individual student)
- Engaging with the local community
- Minimising student fees and associated costs for parents/guardians and students.
Commitment to Australian Democratic Principles
Australian society is defined, among other aspects, by a belief in elected Government; by a commitment to the rule of law, to equal rights for all before the law; and by a belief in freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of association. Our society is also tolerant of a range of religious, political, social and cultural beliefs and values in the context of the fundamental principle of our democracy.
The Education and Reform Act 2006 requires all education providers to operate in a manner consistent with this set of Australian democratic principles.
In accordance with the Act, Djerriwarrh Community College delivers curriculum programs, learning and teaching in a manner that supports and promotes the principles and practice of Australian democracy. This includes a commitment to:
- elected government;
- the rule of law;
- equal rights for all before the law;
- freedom of religion;
- freedom of speech and association; and
- the values of openness and tolerance.
Djerriwarrh Community College demonstrates this commitment through the enactment of our Vison and Values. We provide a learning environment that is inclusive and respectful of all members of our school community. Our student centred curriculum is designed to develop the skills and knowledge of our students to enable them to become active and informed global citizens and to contribute positively to a fair and just society.