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The School vision is to provide a community college that encourages and inspires young people to reach their personal, social and educational potential.

The School delivers an applied learning program to meet the literacy, numeracy, work related and personal development needs of young people (aged 15-19) in Melton Shire who are unable to participate in mainstream schooling.

​The School delivers an innovative hands on learning model and works to prepare students for further education and employment. We work with local community organisations to provide wrap around supports to students facing mental health concerns, substance abuse issues, housing and financial difficulties. These partnerships allow students to overcome challenging barriers and reach their full potential.

​Djerriwarrh Community College follows a restorative practice model and promotes flexible learning. We encourage best practice through the professional development of staff and use data to inform our teaching model.

The School is an initiative of Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services’ CEO Trish Heffernan, and sits within the organisational structure of Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services.

This senior secondary specialist education program is delivered by dedicated and friendly staff in a highly personalised and cooperative learning environment. Djerriwarrh Community College continues to support students beyond graduation to ensure a successful transition to further education or employment.